Two years after the procedure, I now play tennis several times a week, with no joint pain whatsoever.

I can't tell you how indebted I feel to Dr. Gross, Ms. Webb, and Midlands Orthopedics for restoring my active lifestyle. I had always been active - biking, skiing, tennis, lacrosse, etc. But, starting in 2002, I began to develop severe osteoarthritis in my left hip, and I was soon unable to run; even walking was painful.

I thought I was faced with a choice of a total hip replacement, which - since I was in my 50s and used to being active - didn't appeal to me at all, or increasing doses of pain medication, which didn't really help very much.

Fortunately, I found out about hip resurfacing and made arrangements to come to South Carolina for that procedure. 

Within a few months of the resurfacing, I began to ski again, and the following summer I began playing tennis again. Two years after the procedure, I now play tennis several times a week, with no joint pain whatsoever. This procedure was absolutely perfect for me!

- Bob C.
Hip Resurfacing Patient

Tags: 2002 Hip Resurfacing

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