Specializing in Hip and Knee Replacement and Resurfacing

Dr. Gross is a leader in the nation in hip resurfacing, as well as specializing in hip resurfacing, minimally invasive hip replacement, MRI guidance for total and partial knee replacement, as well as revision surgery.

The Hip Resurfacing Advantage

It is the method that reconstructs the damaged hip closest to a natural hip. We remove only the surface of the joint (femoral head and acetabulum) and replace these with new durable metal surfaces. This leaves most of the bone of your original hip in place. The normal biomechanical function of the hip remains near normal. We do this with a minimally invasive 4-5 inch posterior approach that allows rapid recovery to full normal muscle function. After the healing process there are no restrictions on activity. A standard total hip replacement can’t compare.

Advantages are summarized:

  • Full athletic activity without restrictions
  • No hip instability (dislocations)
  • Bone preservation
  • No stem related thigh pain
  • Longer lasting

Why Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement?

When hip replacement is performed through a minimally invasive 3-4inch posterior approach the hospital stay is minimized and the recovery is rapid. Transfusion is almost never required. Pain control is excellent. In certain patients hip resurfacing is not possible and this may be the best option.

Why MRI Guidance Knee Replacement (Total and Partial)?

Knee replacement can be either total (all surfaces) or partial (one compartment only). Alignment of implants is critical to successful function. Guides can be manufactured from preoperative 3D MRI scans to assist the surgeon in accurately placing these implants.

Why Revision Surgery?

Revision surgery is performed when the first joint replacement fails. The causes of joint replacement failure vary, as do the surgical corrections. This is much more complex than primary (first time) surgery. Our published success rate with revision of hip resurfacing is nearly the same as for primary surgery. Others have published failure rates as high as 50%.

Phone Consultation

If you are interested in determining if you are a candidate for surgery, please mail your completed new patient forms to the office and include a digital x-ray. Dr. Gross will call you back to discuss your options.

Download New Patient Forms

Located in South Carolina

Northeast Columbia Office

720 Rabon Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203

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Columbia Office

1910 Blanding St.
Columbia, SC 29201

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