Emerge(d) as a more well-rounded athlete

"My active life style in hiking, mountaineering, road racing, tennis, rock climbing, sea kayaking was seriously affected by my left hip advanced osteoarthritis. After almost 3 years of degradation and loss of mobility, lack of sleep due to pain, i took the leap of faith, travelled down the coast during the pandemic for 14 h and had the procedure done at the hospital with no issues whatsoever. My recovery has been very quick and successful due to my prior fitness level, age and low weight. 

I am now 3 months postop and move much better. I can finally enjoy yoga classes and pilates... I am building strength daily and at the end of the 6 month recovery i will emerge as a more well rounded athlete. I swim for 1h in the pool, do stair climbing for cardio and strength training. I have no pain and can cover any distance hiking. Best part, my sleep has improved a lot. I intend to devote my time to rock climbing, hiking and mountaineering. " 

Located in South Carolina

Northeast Columbia Office

720 Rabon Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203

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Columbia Office

1910 Blanding St.
Columbia, SC 29201

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