Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the hospital stay for joint replacement?

Using minimal-invasive techniques and multimodal pain control , total joint replacement now only requires a 1 to 2 day hospital stay. I also offer many as an outpatient procedure. Thereafter , you may manage at home with a walker or crutches if you have someone to assist you with some daily activities. You will be able to walk and get in and out of bed or chair on your own. You will be taught stair climbing by the physical therapist and should be able to manage stairs on your own. If you live alone and have no family or friends who can stay with you for the first week or two , a stay in a rehab center for this time would be advised. Partial knee replacement requires only a one night stay in the hospital before going home.

Phone Consultation

If you are interested in determining if you are a candidate for surgery, please mail your completed new patient forms to the office and include a digital x-ray. Dr. Gross will call you back to discuss your options.

Download New Patient Forms

Located in South Carolina

Northeast Columbia Office

720 Rabon Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203

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Columbia Office

1910 Blanding St.
Columbia, SC 29201

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