Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there so many restrictions with THR?

There are two reasons. First most traditional hip replacements are inherently unstable. Permanent hip position precautions are required to avoid dislocations. Secondly , bearing surfaces can wear out or fracture. Studies in young active patients indicate a 20-30% failure rate by 8 years with standard polyethylene bearings. Crosslinked polyethylene and ceramic on ceramic bearings are more durable to wear. However , they are still prone to crack with severe repetitive impact activities. Only large metal-metal bearings are stable and durable enough to allow full activities without restrictions.

Phone Consultation

If you are interested in determining if you are a candidate for surgery, please mail your completed new patient forms to the office and include a digital x-ray. Dr. Gross will call you back to discuss your options.

Download New Patient Forms

Located in South Carolina

Northeast Columbia Office

720 Rabon Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203

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Columbia Office

1910 Blanding St.
Columbia, SC 29201

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